Come GRoW With Us!
I’m excited to launch a new blog – GRoW @ The Wallis – to share reflections on various ways the arts and education interact and intersect. GRoW is the umbrella name for all our arts learning initiatives at The Wallis. The inspiration for the name came from two sources. First, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to grow in and through the arts. This value is central to everything we do on our stages and in our classrooms. Second, GRoW is inspired by the generosity of Gregory Annenberg Weingarten, his wife, Regina, and their family. Our Education Wing at The Wallis was named in appreciation for their remarkable gift to the capital campaign that created our campus.
I hope to inspire and even provoke dialogue and new ways of thinking about critical issues facing the arts and education. I look forward to hearing your own contributions and feedback. To start, I would love to hear about your opportunities to grow in and through the arts. What moments stand out for you?