On Saturday, May 13, hundreds of eager families lined up to attend the latest free collaboration between the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (LACO) and GRoW @ the Wallis Meet the Music Family Day in the […]
Author: Rachel Kilroy
Unleashing Creativity: In-School Teaching Artist Residencies at GRoW @ The Wallis Illuminate the Power of the Arts
Immerse yourself in the power of the arts with the in-school teaching artist residencies happening this spring at GRoW @ The Wallis. This program offers a unique opportunity for students to collaborate with professional artists […]
Experience the Electrifying Magic of Live Theater: Acoustic Rooster’s Barnyard Boogie Student Matinees
The Acoustic Rooster’s Barnyard Boogie student matinees at GRoW @ The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts were a thrilling opportunity for young students to experience the electrifying magic of live theater. The program […]
Meet the Music, Family Day: A collaboration between GRoW @ The Wallis & Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (LACO)
On Sunday, February 26, hundreds of eager families lined up to attend a collaboration between the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (LACO) and GRoW @ the Wallis Meet the Music Family day in the education department classrooms, courtyard, and Lovelace Theater. The weather gave us a reprieve for one day so we could have all of these young future musicians come on The Wallis campus to explore the world of classical music.
BODYTRAFFIC Marks the Return Of Full Capacity Student Matinees at the Wallis!
On Friday, October 21st hundreds of eager students, grades 3–12, and their fearless educators from Crossroads School, Blue Ridge Homeschool, CHAMPS Charter High School of the Arts, Harvard Westlake Middle & Upper School, Beverly Vista […]
Sing for Hope Piano by Judi Donin & The Miracle Project
The Wallis was blessed to have our very own Beyond Words alum, Judi Donin, in partnership with a volunteer student from The Miracle Project, paint the Sing for Hope piano that will live at the theater.